Welcome to the LUXUS BP LLC Car Rental FAQ section! Here, we have compiled a list of common questions and their answers to provide you with the information you need. If you have any additional queries, please feel free to contact our dedicated customer support team.

Driver’s minimum age limit is 25 years.

Valid driver license
Proof of address
Credit card from major bank

Car insurance policy

Major bank Credit Card
Bank Transfer

The company does not offer insurances coverages. Renter must to have their own insurances. 

Yes. Our security deposit is $300 for most rentals. This amount may vary by agreement type, period of time of the rental, and the type of vehicle you choose to book.

You can modify or cancel your existing contract anytime. Please note that if you do, the security deposit won’t be returned or an additional cost will be applied. There is NOT early return refund.

No, you are completely responsible for any toll activities or tickets during the rental period.

Yes! Luxus BP includes the car maintenance during the rental period. This includes oil change, tire replacement, breaks, and others.

Luxus BP offers a wide range of vehicles of different categories according to your needs. From Suv’s to Sedans and Minivans. Check up our list of available vehicles.

No. All vehicles must be returned at the same pick up location.

Yes you can if there’s no previous paid reservation from another customer.

Luxus Bp offers to all our customers a roadside assistance option for an extra fee. Our team will be in touch via phone call or text messages to any support.

If you have an accident, do not leave the scene of the accident. Contact the police. If possible, obtain all the information you can from the other party, so we can request a report from the police and submit it to the car insurance company.

Valid driver license

Proof of address

Credit card

Car insurance policy

No. Driver needs to submit their out insurances or buy insurances using third party car rental insurance company.

You can modify or cancel your existing contract anytime. Please note that if you do, the security deposit won’t be returned or an additional cost will be applied. Early return not refundable.

Yes, you can make extensions up to 28 days if there’s no previous paid reservation from another customer.

Luxus Bp Do not offer a roadside assistance option. Therefore, Our team will be in touch via phone call or text messages to any support.

Age Verification

You must be 21 years old to visit our website.